Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blah Day

So I woke up this morning when the prayer siren went off at 4:40, and I couldn't go back to bed afterward. Not the best start.

We were supposed to get our health/police checks today. But when the time came for us to all meet down in the lobby, I found out that they had somehow forgotten to bring my residency visa (they had everybody elses). So I had to stay here by myself while everybody else went and got theirs done. I have to do mine tomorrow now, and hopefully I don't have to go by myself!

While everybody else was getting that done, I did a little shopping. I walked to the phone company's office to get a phone, but since you have to have your passport AND your residency visa to get a phone plan, I couldn't get one. But while I was there, I found out that most people just get pre-paid plans here anyway, so I walked to the mall and got this phone there. I haven't really tried calling or texting anybody with it yet, but it seems pretty cool.

After that, I had some time to kill before the time the other people were supposed to get back. So I walked around the mall, ended up in an electronics store, and bought a Wii. It came with Wii Sports, but I also got Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Punchout.

After that, I went back to my apartment and got my phone all set up. Then I set up my Wii and played it for a few minutes. I suspected that my group was going to get back soon, so I stopped and went downstairs. But they were running way behind so I had to wait for a bit.

By the time they got back, I had laid down to take a quick nap. Turns out my cat nap actually lasted 5 hours. Haha. By the time I was up, I had pretty much missed out on anything fun that I could have done today. So I went and grabbed a quick bite to eat for dinner, and that is pretty much all I did today.

Goodnight from Abu Dhabi,



  1. That day sounds awesome to me! Very relaxing! Have fun exploring your new city!

  2. You probably needed the sleep and it is good that you allowed yourself to get some rest! Sure hope your phone works. I cannot wait to get that first phone call in about an hour!

  3. Don't worry about the phone call. Now Dad and I have something to look forward too! We both love you!

  4. Mom needs to go to bed sometimes. Sheesh...

    Anyway, you got a Wii? You should've done that this summer. :) Punchout seems lame, but apparently you and Jamie don't think so. Stupid boys. I'm sorry that you were lonely all day and didn't have any fun because you were asleep. I blame the prayer bell.

    By the way, I emailed you back. Silly living situtaion. When you're home next summer, you can stay with me. :)

    Your favorite sister, Andrea

  5. Buying a Wii sounds like a wise move. I wonder if we could play Mario Kart on the online against each other...

  6. Matt, I found your blog through Abbie, too. I am David's mom. Reading your blog makes me think you sound like a perfect friend for Davey! I am empathizing with your mom because I have a son teaching English in South Korea and he seems so far away. I am sure the mother of the boy in the hospital is really nervous about him! I am interested in your teaching experience because I used to be a teacher. Good luck!
